Aged Mushroom Compost (AMC) is an all-purpose compost for landscapes, gardens, farming, soil reclamation, commercial site work and soil blending. Aged Mushroom Compost is composted in the same windrows as our Premium Compost. The main difference is that it is not screened and it is not stockpiled in our covered storage structures. This is a great option for large volume budget sensitive projects, as the important nutrient, biological, and organic matter benefits are the same as with our Premium Compost. AMC is made from our standard blend of the highest grade agricultural feedstocks, composted at our state of the art facility and tested regularly to verify and ensure quality and consistency.
Questions about our products?
Aged Mushroom Compost is made through the process of aerobically windrow-composting our very own post-harvest mushroom compost. Mushroom compost is made from ingredients that include a majority of hay and straw with smaller proportions of horse manure, poultry litter, corncobs, cottonseed hulls, cocoa bean hulls, lime, gypsum, and sphagnum peat moss. We add some proprietary carbon sources as we formulate our windrows and then compost for six to nine months. This compost is sold directly out of the windrow and is not screened or stored indoors.
Aged Mushroom Compost is black in color, fine textured and since it is unscreened, it may contain clumps. Aged Mushroom Compost is mature, balanced and provides the same benefits as our Premium Compost. Aged Mushroom Compost lends itself best for commercial and reclamation work, soil blending and farming and is great for basically any large budget-sensitive project that has a tolerance for unscreened product. Analytical data sheets provided upon request.
Aged Mushroom Compost is our most economical choice for large volume projects that don’t require a screened product but do need the stability of aged compost. Applying compost is the best way to build fertile, productive, and healthy soil. The fertility supplied by compost is released slowly, lasting for at least an entire growing season if not several years. The abundant microorganisms in compost act to enhance the soil’s immune system, helping to fight off and prevent soil diseases. The physical characteristics of the organic matter help build strong soil structure, creating a well aggregated and porous, yet sponge-like soil matrix that is more resistant to compaction. This matrix provides for the right balance of moisture and oxygen in the root zone which promotes healthy deep rooting plants. It also improves the moisture holding capacity of light sandy soils while improving infiltration and permeability in heavier clay based soils. Compost also improves the cation exchange capacity (CEC) and can help adjust soil pH.
Benefits at a Glance
- Organic Matter
- Nutrients
- Biology
- Water Holding Capacity
- Improves Soil Structure and Porosity
Aged Mushroom Compost is a great choice for landscape, tree, shrub, turf, garden, flower, fruit, vegetable, farming, commercial construction, reclamation, DOT work and soil blending. Aged Mushroom Compost is Laurel Valley’s original lower price point work-horse option.
Topsoil Upgrade: The US Composting Council recommends “Strive for Five” meaning a good target organic matter content for an ideal soil should be 5% by weight. When amending depleted or shallow soils, depending on the results of a soil test, mix in several inches of compost aiming for a blended end result of 5% organic matter content by weight.