Container Media mixes are designed for landscape applications in both permanent installations and temporary displays, using lightweight or standard weight options. A common application is in large sidewalk or courtyard planters. Our mixes are not designed for commercial production nurseries, however our Container Media blends will support vegetable production and flower and woody ornamental installations contained in regular to large scale planters. Generally light and well-draining, the weight can be adjusted to support plantings of larger and taller sizes.
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Container Media is custom made to order from a variety of ingredients and mix ratios and may contain, but is not limited to the following ingredient options: compost, pine bark, sand, soil, peat moss.
Container Media is generally dark brown in color with a light bulk density, good percolation and moisture holding capacity, with pH adjusted.
Container Media is a great option for large ornamental planters which support a wide range of ornamental flower shrub plantings.
Benefits at a Glance
- Organic Matter
- Nutrients
- Biology
- Water Holding Capacity
- Improves Soil Structure and Porosity
Container Media is a great choice for large ornamental planters or even raised garden beds. Sometimes it helps to incorporate a drainage layer under the container media.