Fresh Mushroom Compost (FMC) is the best quality, lowest cost, all-purpose organic matter source available in the compost industry. Fresh Mushroom Compost comes fresh from the mushroom growing beds immediately following the mushroom harvest and a steam pasteurization treatment. Unscreened, and without additional processing, this mushroom compost is our most economical offering and is also light enough to be efficiently hauled in larger loads on tractor trailers. Also known as Mushroom Soil, Mushroom Mulch, and Mushroom Substrate, FMC is great for mulching gardens, spreading on crop fields, and topdressing lawns. It is also ideal for use in large industrial scale soil remediation projects.
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Fresh Mushroom Compost is a production growing media compost specifically designed and formulated to optimize commercial mushroom production in a controlled indoor environment. Once the mushrooms are harvested, the compost growing media is removed and then replaced with a new batch for the next crop cycle. Despite some misconceptions, Fresh Mushroom Compost is NOT depleted and is actually very nutrient and biologically rich, with a high organic matter content. Fresh Mushroom Compost is unlike any other compost being made. Most composts are made as part of an organic waste recycling process, while Fresh Mushroom Compost is an intentional purpose – designed growing media compost. The compost recipe and the ratio and formulation of ingredients creates a media carefully designed specifically for growing mushrooms and has been in use for decades. It is made from the standard blend of carefully selected and purchased ingredients that include a majority of hay and straw with smaller proportions of horse manure, poultry litter, corncobs, cottonseed hulls, cocoa bean hulls, lime, gypsum, and is later covered in sphagnum peat moss. While Fresh Mushroom Compost has been designed for growing mushrooms the truth is that it is also exceptional for every other type of horticultural application as well! After the mushroom farmers are finished with the mushroom compost, regular compost consumers are fortunate to only pay a fraction of its original value, despite the fact that it remains a very high quality compost.
Fresh Mushroom Compost is brown with flecks of grey mycelium, has a soft fibrous texture and is unscreened. Mushroom Farming is a continual process with growing beds being filled with new compost as others are emptied on a daily basis. After harvest and prior to Fresh Mushroom Compost being removed from a growing bed, it is steam pasteurized in the mushroom house, making it 99% weed seed free. Fresh Mushroom Compost has a high organic matter, a near neutral pH and is a rich source of beneficial biology and slow release nutrients. Analytical data sheets provided upon request.
Fresh Mushroom Compost is our most economical choice for large volume projects that don’t require a screened or aged compost. Applying compost is the best way to build fertile, productive, and healthy soil. The fertility supplied by Fresh Mushroom Compost is released slowly, lasting for at least an entire growing season if not several years, providing safe and sustainable organic nutrients. The abundant microorganisms in compost act to enhance the soil’s immune system, helping to fight off and prevent soil diseases. The physical characteristics of the organic matter help build strong soil structure, creating well aggregated and porous, yet sponge-like soil matrix that is more resistant to compaction. This matrix provides for the right balance of moisture and oxygen in the root zone which promotes healthy deep rooting plants. It also improves the moisture holding capacity of light sandy soils while improving infiltration and permeability in heavier clay based soils. Compost also improves the cation exchange capacity (CEC) and can help adjust soil pH. A Certified Organic option is also available upon request.
Benefits at a Glance
- Organic Matter
- Nutrients
- Biology
- Water Holding Capacity
- Improves Soil Structure and Porosity
Fresh Mushroom Compost is a great choice for amending soils for landscape, turf, garden, flower, fruit, vegetable, farming, commercial construction, reclamation, DOT work and erosion control and site stabilization. FMC is also great for topdressing gardens, row and hay crops and turf, as well as mulching flower beds, shrubs, trees, vineyards and orchards.