Pennsylvania Turnpike Northeast Extension Lane and Shoulder Expansion Project

To elevate a traffic bottleneck and promote a safer roadway, the PA Turnpike Commission added one driving lane and wider shoulders in both directions. With the increase of impervious surface coverage, bioretention basins were installed periodically along the length of the highway. The onsite soil was a combination of thin clay soil with a large percentage of shale rock, so utilizing onsite soil was not an option. Laurel Valley Soils blended the Biosoil using a combination of locally sourced loam soil, coarse concrete sand and STA Certified Premium Compost.
On average, 500 yards per day was produced and delivered. Testing was provided regularly as part of the verification process required by the Turnpike Commission. While this project was a very heavy lift especially taking into account that the regular production schedule was needed to simultaneously be fulfilled, customer expectations standards were maintained for all deliveries.
The project was a huge success and Laurel Valley Soils was proud to be a part of this important infrastructure improvement.
Project Location
Lansdale PA
Property Owner
PA Turnpike Commission
PA Turnpike Bioretention Soil
R.E. Pierson Construction, Co.