PWD Planting Soil was originally developed by the Philadelphia Water Department as part of a large green infrastructure policy. The benefits of greening an urban environment are Nemours. Trees and plantings absorbe rain water, provide shade, animal and insect habitat, clean the air and beautify the landscape. PWD Planting Soil was designed for urban tree plantings and has since been adopted as a great all-purpose landscape soil. PWD requires blenders to certify their compliance of this mix twice a year. Laurel Valley Soils has been involved with the PWD Green Infrastructure program from inception and has been an approved supplier every year. The performance of this soil is extremely consistent, adhering to a specification which ingredients are blended to meet a very strict set of parameters. LVS PWD Planting Soil is a well-balanced loam soil with a rich dark brown color, is screened to a half inch, and is stored out of the elements in an expansive covered building. Because of our large scale infrastructure and state of the art equipment, we are able to stockpile inventories so that we can provide our soil year round to meet our customers’ needs, whether that be one truck load or a thousand truck loads.