Record numbers of families are going back to their roots by growing their own food. The renewed interest in urban farming during the Covid-19 virus is likened to the victory gardens movement during food rationing in the 1940’s. In addition to providing locally grown nutritious food, gardening provides a number of other benefits. “When we interact with green, outdoor environments we tend to breathe more deeply and at a more regulated pace,” Monique Allen, author of Stop Landscaping, Start Lifescaping, tells us. Ultimately, this “oxygenates the blood and releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers and mood enhancers.”
Whether you are a new gardener or an OG, we invite you to join the #VforVictoryGardens community of new generation victory gardeners. We, along with our partners, The US Composting Council and Rodale Institute, have bushels of resources to help you create your best garden ever!
Show off your progress and connect with fellow gardeners by posting photos of you in your garden with the V for Victory sign to your social media accounts with the hashtag #VforVictoryGardens.

Rodale Institute will be selecting a random gardener who uses the hashtag and gifting them with a whole bunch of great items. And of course, don’t forget that a great garden begins with healthy soil. Make sure you amend your soil with compost or use a compost-rich Garden Soil when filling your raised beds. You can find local suppliers which carry Laurel Valley Soils Premium Compost, Enriched Topsoil and Garden Soil here.
Here are some interesting and helpful gardening resources for you: