rooflite® certified green roof media is a lightweight, aggregate-based, soilless growing media designed to grow a variety of diverse types of vegetated landscape systems on structure. The major benefits for using green roof media are that it is a lightweight and durable soil that helps reduce stormwater runoff, improves the building's energy efficiency, and extends the life of the roof. Laurel Valley Soils is the Mid-Atlantic blender for Skyland USA LLC, the owner of the rooflite brand of green roof media products, with blending partners across the USA as well as other locations internationally. For more information about the full product line of rooflite products use this link; www.rooflitesoil.com.
Questions about our products?

rooflite soil products are designed and produced according to ASTM E2777-14* and the FLL** Green Roofing Guideline. The test methods and performance standards are state-of-the-art within the worldwide green roof industry, backed by decades of testing, research, and development in the field.
rooflite offers a full line of lightweight aggregate soil products, meticulously engineered for a diverse range of green roof applications, and are designed to optimize green roof performance.
Green roofs provide an aesthetic enhancement to the design of a building while managing stormwater runoff, improving energy efficiency, and extending the replacement life of the roof.
Benefits at a Glance
- Organic Matter
- Nutrients
- Biology
- Water Holding Capacity
- Improves Soil Structure and Porosity
There are three main types of green roofs. Extensive is a shallow media planted in sedums that is usually used to cover large expansive roofs for purely functional efficiency. Semi-Intensive media has an increased organics content which can be installed at a deeper depth, supporting a wider range of plants including perennials. Intensive media can be a combination of multiple layered systems with deeper soil depths and can support full scale landscapes, from sod to shrubs and trees and even intensive agriculture. Many of these types of installations are not only functional from a building performance efficiency but also enhance the aesthetic value by creating usable outdoor landscapes with paths and leisure areas.
See our soils at work